
LIMDEP  / NLOGIT  經濟計量分析軟體

LIMDEP Version 9.0 is an integrated program for estimation and analysis of linear and nonlinear models, with cross section, time series and panel data. LIMDEP haslong been a leader in the field of econometric analysis and has provided many recent innovations including cutting edge techniques in panel data analysis, frontier and efficiency estimation and discrete choice modeling. The collection of techniques and procedures for analyzing panel data is without parallel in any other computer program available anywhere. Recognized for years as the standard software for the estimation and manipulation of discrete and limited dependent variable models, LIMDEP 9.0 is now unsurpassed in the breadth and variety of its estimation tools.

NLOGIT Version 4.0 is an extension of LIMDEP that provides programs for estimation, model simulation and analysis of multinomial choice data, such as brand choice, transportation mode, and all manner of survey and market data in which consumers choose among a set of competing alternatives. NLOGIT has become the premier package for estimation and simulation of multinomial discrete choice models.


https://0282277708.web66.com.tw/web/NMD?postId=1251507APL5337 ANPEC

APL5337-ANPECSource and Sink, 2A, Fast Transient R